Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!!!

Happy Father's Day Honey!!! I love these pictures of you and Caeven! It is so neat to seeyour relationship grow and just how much Caeven looks up to and loves his Daddy! I asked Caeven what he wanted to get his Daddy for Father's Day and without hesitation he said, "A dinosaur!!!" He was so excited about his gift that he tried to tell Chris at lunch that same day he got the dinosaur. He said, "Daddy, I got a surprise for you...a dinosaur!" Fortunately Chris didn't understand since he thought Caeven was talking about the dinosaur in his hand at the moment. I'm the luckiest woman and so happy you are mine, I love you Babe!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Caevens coat

I tried to turn this but it was not working for some reason

I am very proud of this coat I have not make anything in a long time like this anyway. I did have a little help but I still did it and it fits him.

picture overload

We took Caeven up the Woodland Park to the Dinosaur Museum up there and he loved it.

Caeven wnet to his first hockey game and he had a blast, he thought that all the players were robots. He would also stand up and and yell go Avs it was so fun.

He put these on his head and told us he was T-Rex.