Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Many of ya'll are probably wondering what takes me soooo long to update this darn blog, well the truth of it is is that I'm not around our computers much after staring at one for 8 hours a day at work. We're always out and about running errands after I get off and by the time we get done it's late, gotta change Caeven, get ready for bed, etc. Tonight however you may have noticed that the posting time is really late...this is due to the fact that one of my buddies from work "Mike" bought me a Rockstar at about 4 pm and needless to say having it so late in the afternoon has kept me hummin' along. I do apologize for the lack of posts but am trying to keep up, for now these are the most recent pics I've uploaded to our computer. I'll be uploading more in the next couple of days and hope to get fully caught up soon but as most know new baby syndrome allows parents to take a bajillion pics a day so sometimes it can be tough to keep up. On another note Britt, Caeven, and I went to all of our church meetings this past sunday for the first time in a while and it was GREAT and Caeven did surprisingly well! The Bishopric has seen fit to adjust my calling and issue Britt one as well. I've been moved from the Young Mens Secretary to the Teacher's quorum advisor and Brittney will be one of the Assistant Ward Librarians. We're both pretty excited for our new callings. Teachers quorum advisor is definitely a new role for me and will be quite a bit of an adjustment but I look forward to it, when I think back when I was a teacher that was the age that it all came together for me and I discovered for myself that all my parents had taught me was true and I gained my own testimony of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ...a testimony which I obtained through Aaron's camp 12 years ago, I'll never forget that experience! I look forward to being able to help the young men prepare for Aaron's Camp this summer and hopefully I can find a few extra days to go hang out with them and relive some of those earlier experiences and build even more upon my own testimony. It surely has grown in the last two months especially as we've had an opportunity to participate in Heavenly Father's Great Plan of Salvation and having Caeven as such a wonderful addition to our family. I love him with a love that words cannot describe...much as I love my Amazing wife Brittney who does so much for me and has such a sweet and tender heart, a mother's love is truly an amazing thing to witness. Brittney helps me each day to grow, love, and be more patient by her example and she is such a shining light in my life, Thanks Honey for all you do I love you!


Kelli said...

Aawww, so sweet! What's a Rockstar?